Beetroot breton galettes stuffed with goat cheese +seaweed
Elevate your breakfast or dinner game with these mouthwatering Savory Beetroot Breton Galettes that are essentially “Crepes” stuffed with creamy goat cheese! 🌿💜
Not only are they absolutely stunning to look at, but they also deliver a flavor explosion, nutriente dense and will leave your taste buds dancing! 🎉
The subtle sweetness of the beetroot perfectly complements the tangy richness of the goat cheese, creating a very unique and delicious taste. 💫 Whether you serve them up for a fancy brunch or a cozy dinner, these crepes are guaranteed to steal the show and have everyone coming back for seconds! ✨
Who says vegetables have to be boring?
Batter Ingredients:
Serves: around 8 crepes
This will depend on the size you make the crepes
600 gr cooked beets (around 4 medium Beets)
60 grams (1/2 cups)Chickpeas flour
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
1 Teaspoon Kosher Salt
Extra virgen olive oil for the pan
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until smooth
Heat up a medium size skillet / pan, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil
Pour a small ladleful of batter into the pan and quickly swirl to spread it evenly.
Cook for 1-2 minutes until the edges start to lift and the bottom is golden brown.
Flip the crepe and cook for another 1-2 minutes until cooked through.
Repeat with the remaining batter.
Serve warm with your favorite toppings or fillings,
Crepes de remolacha rellenas de queso de cabra y algas.
Ingredientes para la masa:
Porcines: aproximadamente 8 crepes (Esto dependerá del tamaño que hagas las crepes)
600 gramos de remolachas cocidas (alrededor de 4 remolachas medianas)
60 gramos (1/2 taza) de harina de garbanzo
1/2 cucharadita de cúrcuma en polvo
1 cucharadita de sal kosher
Aceite de oliva virgen extra para la sartén
Licua todos los ingredientes en una licuadora hasta que estén bien incorporados.
Calienta una sartén, agrega una cucharadita de aceite de oliva y vierte una pequeña cucharada de la mezcla de crepes en la sartén y rápidamente muévela para distribuirla uniformemente.
Cocina durante 1-2 minutos hasta que los bordes comiencen a levantarse y el fondo esté dorado.
Voltea la crepe y cocina por otros 2 minutos hasta que esté cocida.
Repite con el resto de la preparación.
Agrega tus rellenos favoritos :)